I'm enjoying a bumper crop of hydrangea in the garden - this one is blooming for the first time in ages. When those orange day lilies open up at the same time the purple hydrangea get it going on, it is going to be spectacular. Pictures in about 3 or 4 days, I think.
Well, I bombed out with the electricians but I made their day. I'm glad somebody went home happy. The fact of the matter is that with a window AC unit plugged in on a 20 AMP service, you cannot plug-in a Rowenta iron that sucks down 1700 jiggawats of power. The guys did not believe that I "only" had an iron plugged in - they wanted to see what other ghost appliances I was using. I took them upstairs to my sewing room and showed them the beast and the nice rack of clothes that were neatly ironed and waiting to be returned to the closet. One of them said, "Wow - you iron?" or maybe it was more like, "WOW - YOU IRON!" Either way, they were a little dumbstruck. Apparently my iron is an energy hog. Whatever - I love it. It's a "git 'er done" iron and I'm not going back to some sappy doofus girl-iron. That's just how I roll. I'll try to remember to unplug one when I want to plug-in the other. It isn't a monumental pain, but that split second after I hit the "on" switch that powers up the iron and I think, "NNNNNnoooooooooooo" and realize all the sewing room and bedroom clocks, vcr, etc. have to be reset.....again.... and I start exercising my vocabulary, if you know what I mean.
I shall console myself with the fact that it is only a problem 3 or 4 months out of the year and I can take the money I could spend on adding more power to the circuit box thingie and spend it on something important - like fabric, vodka, and lovely Eileen West cotton nightgowns.