(Okay, it's an old song by the group The Vapors, but for me it's for realsies.)
I've had a love affair with all things Japanese since I visited there back in 2004. We were there because Joe had been made president of the local Rotary chapter that year and one of his "duties" was to attend the world conference. Duty? Hell yeah! The club picked up his tab so our only expense (besides meals and incidentals) was my plane ticket and a big boost to our hotel allowance. (I've got a "good hotel" thing and I'm willing to pay for it, dammit.)
The trip was epic - Rotary gave all attendees a beautiful tote bag filled with rail passes, bus passes and all kinds of maps and information. We traveled all over by ourselves, got lost a few times, ate all kinds of food we had NO idea about but loved every bite. The temples in Nara were breathtaking. Our suitcases came back jammed with elegant, diminutive Japanese sake flasks, kitchen utensils, and FABRIC.

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Just after Christmas I started looking at my very tired purse and decided it was TIME to bust out some really good fabric and treat myself for a change. Since reading bag patterns is my kryptonite I decided to just take what I know and sew. It hasn't been pretty. I've added at least 3 new variations on old swear phrases to my vocabulary. I'm not finished yet but I kind of like where it is going, even though the finished height was supposed to be the width and the finished width...well, you get it. I started paper piecing the hexagons just after Christmas - I love hand sewing and I love how Japanese fabrics go together. I'm working on making
[caption id="attachment_2799" align="alignright" width="300"]

different snap-in attachments that can vary with # of pockets and depth. Sometimes I like to tote my iPad places and it will fit very comfortably in the finished purse. I still need to finish a few things, cover a thin slice of foam core with fabric so it has a nice, flat bottom, and make the straps. I'm enjoying this enormously, even thought it has meant a lot of re-doing and re-engineering things as I go along. Why not? There is no deadline and it's just for me. For ME.
PS - Happy New Year - I can't believe it's been so long! I noticed that the powers-that-be are sticking ads on my blog posts. GAAUGH. I am not responsible for their appearance or their content. Turn your nose up disdainfully at them.
PPSS - I feel like a drug dealer but....want to (beautifully) burn a few hours of your life? Love trees? Love all things Japanese? Click here. You're welcome.