The color of Advent candles vary in some churches but the basic set is 3 purple and one rose. They are lit on the 4 Sundays of Advent and go in this sequence: 1st Sunday - purple, 2nd) purple, purple 3rd) purple, purple, rose 4th) purple, purple, rose, purple. You may also light them at supper during the week, it's nice. The rose (or pink) candle is for Gaudete Sunday (Latin for "rejoice") and is a rose candle because rose is the liturgical color for joy. The 3rd Sunday marks the "nearness" of the great event so anticipatory jumping up and down encouraged. (Trivia question - what is the only other Sunday in the liturgical year that rose vestments are worn?)
- Sidebar on candles: DO NOT BUY CHEAP CANDLES. Repeat: DO. NOT. BUY. CHEAP. CANDLES. Cheap candles melt rapidly and puddle wax that will destroy linens and surfaces. There is nothing attractive about a candle with diarrhea. If you purchase good candles they will burn MUCH longer, drip less (if at all) and save you money. Honest. PS - make sure the candles are S-T-R-A-I-G-H-T up in their holders. Seriously. You would think people would know that, but there you are. PSS - do not buy scented candles for the dinner table. ( I know - a no-brainer, but I've been to dinners where the scent of flowery candles combined with the scent of roast lamb to become cause for projectile vomiting.) Let's review: cheap candles (tapers, jars, floaties, you name it) are a fire hazard and a nuisance.
So that is Advent 101. There is more but that should get you through the holidays. Our next installment in the Educating the Universe series will be about the shocking stupidity and thoughtlessness of walking through stores with hot coffee and/or soft drinks.
[...] thought I still have to cope with idiots who do not know the meaning of Advent - I like Advent. It begins on Sunday and is a familiar ritual involving lit candles and a winter [...]