This is my foster-sewing machine, lent to me by a dear friend who understands my Bernina-separation-anxiety (and is probably tired of hearing me endlessly whine.....)
Anyway, she is comfortably nestled in my sewing room and I have already used to her make a few blocks for a shop sample quilt we are doing for the New England Quilt Museum gift shop. She sews like a dream - those of you lucky enough to have a featherweight can attest to the beautiful, straight stitch. It even smells good. It smells like my mother's old Singer did way back when. I was mid-project when the Bernina gave out and now that I can continue I have no idea how or where my head was when I started the project. I was going to make a snazzy carrying case for my iPad and I had it all mapped out in my head how the different layers and separators would go together. Now - nadda. I vaguely remember... but not well enough to jump back in and finish. (I have learned the hard way that you do NOT sew when you are 1) tired, 2) frustrated or 3) unclear on the details.)
I have an extra reason to be thankful for such a portable marvel of a machine. I spent an hour and 45 minutes crammed head-first into a steel coffin (AKA MRI machine) on Sunday and found out today that they DID NOT SCAN MY KNEE. Lower spine, yes - knee, NO. Since my original trip to the doctor was about not having any feeling or sensation or support in my knee (causing 2 horrific falls) I was speechless to find that it was the one thing they did not scan. Today I have a 4PM appointment with my primary care physician (who has foisted me off on PA's for the last several years, just sayin') and we are going to have a 5-alarm come-to-Jesus. I am angry and horrified that I underwent that terrifying (I'm claustrophobic) MRI against my wishes and have nothing to show for it that didn't already show up on an MRI we did just six months ago.
Bottom line - when I get hauled off to jail for gutting him like a fish I will at least have this little featherweight in its elegant black carrying case with me so I can make some stylish prison garb to wear to my anger management therapy sessions. Seriously.
Please do not go to jail! LOL! (I've had 'those' feelings before!) But, I LOVE your foster machine. Happy SEWING! :)