While I whine and moan and complain about the heat, itching, and how everything in my laundry basket has calamine lotion stains, a blogger who I admire and love has had more on her plate than any human should have to endure. The blog is Toddler Planet , but don't let the name fool you. Toddler Planet is written by Susan Niebur, four time cancer survivor, astrophysicist, and mom of two happy little 4 & 6-year-old boys. Susan is now fighting metastatic breast cancer in her spine, hip, and ribs, still looking for that "new normal."
Any ONE of those things would be enough to deal with, but all of them? There are no adequate words to describe her brilliance, her humor, her humanity and her uncanny ability to take her own trials and use them to benefit others. She makes science and the study of the stars spellbinding. I am in complete awe of her - and I pray for her daily. I think of her often, and at odd times throughout the day. I have always believed that when we think of someone out of the blue, it is actually grace compelling us to say a prayer for that person.
As I get older, I appreciate more and more the short prayer Catholics say during the Our Father. When you get to the "deliver us from evil" part most Christians continue right into "for Thine is the kingdom..." but Catholics inserted a little bonus application for help:
Deliver us, Lord, from every evil, and grant us peace in our day. In your mercy keep us free from sin and protect us from all anxiety as we wait in joyful hope.....
Being protected from anxiety is something I have struggled with my entire life. I love that little add-on, and I frequently use it as a stand-alone prayer. I believe in the power of prayer. I pray that Susan is delivered from anxiety, and from all the other things she is struggling with today. Please join me & send up your own versions of something that will wrap this woman (whom I have never met) in a loving blanket of faith, healing and comfort.
Thank you.
Susan Niebur has a heart on my prayer wall, smack in the middle of my kitchen where it is seen and she remembered throughout my day.
ReplyDeleteI know well, too, that it is a banner year for poison ivy here on Cape Ann.... Slap the itch- it feels good.