While I haven't got time today for a full-blown thought I can report the following few small bites:
The Brace Cove Beach Glass quilt has been handed over to the happy couple. I think they were kind of shocked, I'm sure it wasn't what they thought I (who trends toward antiques) would have made for them. It went without a label because (building-the-pyramids-in-Africa-long-story) it will have to happen when I finish yet another one. Don't ask. We also returned their dog, a lab mix named Ella (AKA Cujo). I need to walk the house to find out if she had any special places she left her "mark" that I may have missed while we were dog-sitting. She is in dire need of training - behavioral and other - but it's up to her daddies to get that done. Meanwhile, when Joe spoke - SHE LISTENED. He's the alpha dog, man. Watching Ella/Cujo is a mixed bag - we miss having a dog but we were reminded of how much work they are to feed, maintain and exercise. The sad part is the acres of conservation land behind us are now full of coyotes and foxes and fisher cats. We could never put Ella on a lead (like we did for our dog, Rusty) and let her run around the backyard. That makes me sad because I believe dogs should be able to run around outdoors as much as possible. I can't sit on the back porch with a gun to ward of critters for 2 reasons - 1) I have a life and multiple jobs and, 2) Joe won't let me pack heat. I have asked. (I hate crows, they can wreck the garden, and a BB gun seems a reasonable solution to me.)

While I was minding Ella the past couple of nights I was able to watch a preview copy of Why Quilts Matter: History, Art & Politics that is coming out this fall on PBS. You can also purchase a copy - and I recommend you do. You may not watch it 100 times but I guarantee you'll watch it more than once, and we all need to step up and support this kind of work. I actually made notes while I watched the last 4 episodes and I'll go back and do the same for the first 5. There is a LOT in this production. I laughed - and yes, I cried. (Those Gees Bend women do it to me every time.) I also wept thinking of how I'd give anything to being able to watch and discuss this with my mom. Sigh....
I was especially pleased that Why Quilts Matter dove in and covered the dark side of the ugly politics between and about quilters - such hot button issues. Even if you do not quilt, the art vs. craft themes, how often the work of women is dismissed as unimportant or simply domestic duty, studio quilts vs. traditional bed quilts - it's all there. I'll have much more on it when I get caught up with myself and de-dog the house. I have a lot to say about this production and I know you will, too.
[...] Jo’s Post: A Few Small Bites to read more. You may also [...]
ReplyDeleteThanks for recommending Why Quilts Matter! I'm going to be sure to watch it!