I'm not sure how I feel about going. The specter of last year's trip is kind of lurking out there... but the actual anniversary (thankfully) is a few weeks off. Don't get me wrong - I'm thrilled to get out of Dodge, pleased for Joe (who REEEALLLYY needs a break) and I'm even OK with ironing a pile of linen shirts to pack. I've always found ironing to be very relaxing and therapeutic. What's the problem, then? I just feel kind of sideways inside.
Physically, I'm ready to go. I splurged on a haircut and matching (we don't call it "coloring") and even managed to get my esthetician to melt a metric ton of wax and do my eyebrows. I look positively GIRLY. Luckily, John is an expert at relaxing and entertaining. I'll have a really good bloody Mary in my hand within moments of our arrival. That should help with the mental part, right?
I'm sure it will all come together and be a great week. Right? Right.
Hubby and I just returned from Florida...Daytona Bike Week! We are Sturgis bikers and this was our first trek to this event. It was a spur of the moment decision. Friends from the UK had booked a home for the month of March and invited us to join them...yay! We got home day before yesterday (Wed) and we were glad we went but, also, glad to be home. Quilting withdrawals hit me, though! We drove down rather than flying. In the past that has always been part of the fun but driving habits have changed in the last 5 yrs and that part of the time away was not nearly so pleasant! Sure enjoyed the weather, though (even if the temps in MN were almost the same as FL!!!!!)! Enjoy your trip and visit.......R&R is good! Hugs, Doreen