Even thought I still have to cope with
idiots who do not know the meaning of Advent - I like Advent. It begins on Sunday and is a familiar ritual involving lit candles and a winter cleaning of the soul. I find myself taking inventory of the past year, what went down (vs. what did not - like my weight) and thinking about what I want to do with the time I have left. Face it, at my age I know I have less time ahead of me than I do behind me and I'm good with that. I'm
tired, for Pete's sake, but I still want to make sure I use that time wisely and well.
I'm also busy making Christmas gifts because 1) I like to, and 2) all funds are delegated to paying bills and utilities. I have a place in the family room all cleared out for a Christmas tree - we can pick up a small one for very little and I have a need to get back to trimming a real tree that smells good, sheds needles - the works. I like the long observance of Advent and slower Christmas. I've never been one for the Black Friday or Cyber Monday sales frenzy even when I did have money to shop. I just don't particularly like shopping. It seems a waste of time to me and is often very frustrating. I like simple things, good lines, fine fabric and appreciate a nice seam finish. Try finding that these days.
Maybe that is why I can spend hours embroidering wool felt and watching

Christmas movies. Every ornament is unique, every movie gets better with another viewing. Right now I'm watching ELF on an endless loop. There are more good one-liners in that movie than in almost any other Christmas movie. This past Sunday was the Downtown Santa Parade and while Santa looked pretty authentic sitting on top of the fire department's ladder truck, I knew it wasn't the REAL Santa and it was all I could do to not yell out, "YOU SIT ON A THRONE OF LIES!"
Slow down and enjoy the season. Life outside of the usual frantic holiday circus is pretty sweet and makes for better memories.
My goodness, girl, how you do go on!!! LOL! I don't do those sales (or any, for that matter!) so I did get a bit of quilting done...yay! I have most of the gifts I/we intend to give done. Just got the backing for a cute quilted-type growth chart for great grand daughter and will be making a cute little "doll house" that is the size of a lunch bucket and will have little "softie"/stuffed dollies to go inside. The little one is just a year and a half so perfect age for such items! Advent is truly a special time and an ideal time for reflection. Blessings and hugs, Doreen