Friday, January 15, 2010

Now I am Committed...

Okay, I signed up.  It's throw down time, bay-bay.  I am going to finish piecing the side and top blocks and LAY OUT THIS QUILT tonight.  Yeah. You bet!  Aaauughhh! Heidi made me do it!


  1. I hope you got it all finished..Have fun.

  2. I'm working on it now, husband is making dinner. I plan to lay it out on my big king sized bed, but we'll probably have to sleep in the guest room because I need more time to obsess over it!

  3. That is amazing.. hope it all falls into place for you...
    Cath Ü

  4. Thank you for the words of encouragement - honestly, it keeps me going! Those blocks are starting to take on a life of their own, when I move one, it causes a whole series to be changed - like falling dominoes!
