- Got a phone call from my NEW Bernina repair dude. The same Bernina I spent almost $300 on getting it cleaned, the motherboard rebuilt, etc. just a few months ago is now going to cost me an additional $200 plus to get it CLEANED AND REPAIRED AGAIN. The first dealer (who shall remain mercifully nameless until I really snap) did not wish to honor their warranty. It's a building-the-pyramids long story, but suffice to say I'll never go back. New Bernina dude talked my ear off telling me about all the bits and pieces and mechanisms that were maladjusted, and the fact that there was OIL AND LINT INSIDE THE MACHINE (after I brought it home the first time I used it less than half an hour before it malfunctioned) so I'm feeling like I got royally fleeced by the first repair dudes......
- After I hung up from the 2nd Bernina dude, I burst into tears. My husband gave me a beautiful, mushy card for Christmas that had two crisp $100 bills inside it - and I cannot for the life of me find it. I am sick to my stomach. It was truly a gift worthy of "The Gift of the Magi" love, and I was already SO upset about it - so when Bernina Dude II said, "$200" I just wanted to sit on the floor and weep. So I did. (Except we had company for supper so I ran into the far room and had a private bit of weeping.)
- Youngest sister spent the weekend with my Dad (in pseudo hospice) and reading her emails and reports just left me so sad, angry, bitter and heartbroken. I have never had my faith and beliefs so tested - and I'm a freakin' cancer survivor, for pete's sake.
- We are in the first 1/4 of a 2 day blizzard, so I lose another day of work tomorrow (most likely) and will feel that sting in the paycheck.
See what I mean? And in the middle of all of this, Shannon from Monkey Dog Quilts has so very

Mix together in a 9 by 13 (or whatever is close) pan:
- 4 cups of uncooked oatmeal (the real stuff, not the instant garbage)
- One cup of brown sugar
- One half cup of white sugar
Melt one cup of butter (two sticks, just go with it) and pour it over the mixture, stirring it around as you go. Then press that mixture into the pan, bake it for 10 to twelve minutes at 350. Let it cool.
Frost with one cup of chocolate chips (melted gently in a saucepan) and add 3/4 cup of CHUNKY peanut butter to the warm chocolate - blend together, then pour it over the cooled base. Chill and devour. IMPORTANT: There are 8 ounces in a cup, and 12 ounces in a bag of chocolate chips. I just throw in the whole bag, melt it, and add an extra dollop of chunky peanut butter. You get a nicer ratio of chocolate to base. ( If you use the word "ratio" it makes it science, so it's okay - no guilt.)
Enjoy. You can self-medicate with prescription drugs or you can self medicate with chocolate. If you think chocolate is bad for you, ask Charlie Sheen how it's all workin' out for him......
If I had Charlie Sheen's money I would buy you a new Bernina from an honorable Bernina dealter.... What does Bernina have to say about the "service" at the first place??
ReplyDeleteAnyway, sooooo glad I don't have the "real" oatmeal as I am iced in and reading that receipt I have gained 5 pounds, wonder what would happen if ate those bars?
Hummm seems I am a bit gray myself today. It will be better later.
I hope your day/week/month/.... gets better. I find that a good melt down and some excellent chocolate can go a long way :)
ReplyDeleteI, too, hope everything gets better! Praying that you are able to locate your hubby's Christmas card and that your Berina is restored to you. But, in the meantime.......there was this skit on SNL about a man (can't remember his name) where he would look in the mirror and say things like "Darn it, I'm a good and wonderful person and people like me." This will make you giggle....