We were given the most wonderful Christmas gift from a dear friend - 3 days in Manhattan (last week) to do the Christmas "thing" in the Big Apple. I have not been to New York in ages and I must say things were different, but mostly in a good way. It was much cleaner, much more polite (I know!) and had a much heavier police presence. We had unseasonably warm weather, the kind that continues today and reaaaally harshes my Christmas buzz. I like snow and at this time of year I want a little frosty. We won't be able to use the fireplace on Christmas because it will be too warm. How messed up is that?
As for the trip we did the usual touristy things (and a few OMG things) and had a ball. Joe had never been to the Empire State Building so we timed a late-afternoon visit to avoid the lines. SCORE. We went right up and had a good look at the most amazing city on earth. The lobby of the ESB was just restored to it's breathtaking art deco magnificence; it was like being in a movie. Rockefeller Center was decked to the 9's and full of skaters, shoppers and tourists. All good things led to lunches and we went full throttle on a few places, including the Stage Deli. There is nothing like a great NY deli. Bonus - you aren't hungry for a full week afterward. Oy.
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The highlight of my trip was breaking my Garment District cherry. I've wanted to go forever and decided this was the trip. (Note to self - leave the guys at a deli & Lionel Train store while I do my thing.) I was only able to get to 2 places, B&J Fabrics and Mood Fabrics, but both were fantastic. I found the most beautiful selection of Liberty of London tana lawns and I treated myself to two of them to be used in a future project that must be found UTTERLY worthy. The big score came when my good buddy (whose name I can't remember) dove through piles of rolled bolts and helped me secure just the thing for my long-unfulfilled fantasy. I've always wanted a dressing gown - a circa 1920's fabu thing that you see in movies. (Ashley Judd wore one in DeLovely and it was stunning.) I have looked for one for years in every brick and mortar and online store I could find. Even the fabric was impossible to obtain. The closest I came was a place that had a good embroidered faux silk Shantung done in a very passable... polyester. (I'm a champagne girl on a beer budget.) I'd pretty much given up hope when I found a silk Shantung that was swweeeeet. It is light as air and has the most beautiful (tho impossible to accurately photograph) Nile green color, and since I needed a lot I managed to negotiate a price I could live with. (I knew being married to a Sicilian would pay off someday. ) Likewise for the satin, which will be used to trim sleeves, pockets and a wide, lovely collar. Oh sigh. It really is Christmas! It will probably be next Christmas before I'm swishing around the house wearing it, but by then Joe will have found a proper chaise lounge for Madame to recline upon while she plays upon her iPad. It could happen.
I do hope you share photos of Madame's dressing gown when it's made. The fabrics are magnificent!!