So who did I get? Some nice quilter in the hinterlands who, like me, had never ventured into the swap arena? Someone who would, like me, be under the radar?
I got a Zombie. The Happy Zombie, Monica Solorio-Snow, designer of the fabric line Happy Mochi Yum Yum, "heroin" to many quilters. I was dealt a published fabric designer, pattern designer - you get the drift. Sweet merciful crap - you can understand what happened in my colon when I read that name and thought, "What the )#(*&)@(# am I gonna do for her?"
I ended up chickening out and selecting a few Japanese fat quarters, adding some ribbon in her much-loved colors, and embroidering a little wool bird to satisfy my own need to include something "home-made" in the packet. Then I tucked it into a cloth wine bottle gift bag I'd made ages ago and put it in the mail. Then I had a drink.
A few days later, the Twitter feed heated up:

So there. Let's all just relax. Let's just, in the immortal words of Paul McCartney, "Let it be." It's so easy at this time of year to get all up in our heads about what we must do, produce, create and provide. Let it go. Let it be. Rejoice in each other - the days we all have together are not as numerous as we'd like to think, the holidays are numbered and do not to be Martha Stewart TV perfect. (Seriously. Besides, she is loaded and she has paid staff. Who wouldn't be fabulous?)
Rule number one: don't sweat the small stuff.
Rule number two: it's all small stuff.
~Robert Eliot
You did great! I probably would have had the same reaction you did. Instead I got the complete other end of the spectrum. I have no idea how my partner heard about the swap, she may have a Twitter account, but she sure doesn't tweet. I was so disappointed, I hope she actually sends something to her partner. Oh well, I held up my end of it & I hope she appreciates it. :}