The rule states one small carry-on, and one personal item such as a purse or briefcase. Okay. Then how do all the guys with three bags all stacked up (almost equal to my height) get to "walk-on" with all that luggage? How does the chick with a 34 zipper expanding compartment suitcase get to walk on with all 34 zippers expanded and full? Even if they bought a fir$t cla$$ ticket, aren't the baggage rules the same? Apparently not.

Back to the luggage thing. I am really amazed at how many people walk on a flight with excess luggage. In addition to delaying the plane's loading and unloading, they fill up all the overhead space and anyone unfortunate enough to be boarding after them is, well, tough luck.
Here is my suggestion. Let me work the front gate before my flight. I'd be happy to be the bag police, because evidently your employees do not have the stones to say NO to people. I'm sure it would get old, getting yelled at and all, but if all of you airlines worked together and put the hammer down it would save a lot of this BS and maybe people would not dread flying so much. Me? I have no problem being the bag police. I would actually like to work off some pre-flight stress, PMS, whatever. Bring it on, people. I can deal. I can tell you right now - you are gonna check those damn bags. Then, we will all get to where we are going faster and saner. Win -win.
There. I feel better. Even thought I am home sick today with my airline's lovely parting gift - a 4 alarm bangin' head cold. We'll work on that issue next time.
If you ever find out how exactly some people get away with this crap, please do let me know!