Friday, May 21, 2010

Bloggers Quilt Festival - Spring 2010

I was tickled to find the Bloggers Quilt Festival on Amy's Creative Side blog - what a great idea! (I especially like the part about 'beverages being welcome' as at any other quilt show such a thought might be heresy.)  I like the idea, too, of being able to travel around and see all these quilts in the comfort of my PJ's -  what's not to love?

So here goes.  My quilt is actually Gwen's 60th birthday quilt.  I worked for Gwen in a consulting business that involved a lot of relationship building, HR training and team building. Gwen was (and still is) a marvel at human relations.  So it should not have come as a surprise  to me that making her quilt would be an exercise in spirituality.  I didn't have a clear idea of what to do,  just had the blocks and the fabrics.  As I set the blocks together, I noticed how little paths formed, colors deepened and lightened and it became (to me) a true reflection of how Gwen works, how she weaves relationships and moves people to better places.  (The bright sunlight washes out a lot of the detail in the fabrics.)

It was a remarkable learning experience for me. Gwen takes it with her when she travels to clients - as a talisman against latex pillows and hotel room linens.  I love that.


  1. This quilt festival is fun, isn't it?!
    Nice gift you made, it is wonderful to have something from home when traveling.

  2. Beautiful quilt! It is so nice to have something of home when traveling.

  3. Beautiful!


  4. What a lovely quilt! I love to make quilts as gifts and don't think that will ever change. How nice that Gwen takes it with her when she travels. Thanks for sharing your quilt's story :)

  5. Gorgeous! The medallion is spectacular and the inner border accentuates it perfectly. Gwen is a lucky gal to have you for a friend.

  6. A piece of fabric poetry in motion :)

  7. its so sweet that she takes it on her travels! That's quilt love.

  8. What a wonderful quilt and to know that it is used and loved has to be the most wonderful blessing for you... Thanks for sharing!
    Valentina in faraway Cyprus

  9. What a wonderful gift! Lovely design!

  10. médaillon très réussi félicitations

  11. Beautiful work and greatly loved. A perfect combination.

  12. What a great talisman! It is one lovely quilt.

  13. Striking quilt. Beautiful.


  14. I love the colors and design. Fantabulous quilt! Sew On!

  15. What a lovely quilt and isn't it awesome that Gwen takes it with her as a talisman!

  16. A lovely quilt. I bet she was thrilled with it.

  17. great quilt and such a nice story to go with it. thanks for sharing.

  18. [...] Pieceful Musings199. Sew Lovins200. Melanie @ Texas Freckles201. La vida compartida…202. Joan at Major Thoughts203. Sandi Andersen204. Jessica @ The Bossy Quilter205. HSM Quilt by Elizabeth206. Amy {Vintage [...]
