Yes, it is a paradise day. I'm due for one. I've got the sheets washed and hanging outside on the clothesline (okay, they are still the flannel set but it is getting nicer out...). I've got my homage to Yoko Saito wall hanging spread out on the guest bed for some major tweaking before I press, baste and quilt, and I've got my snazzy new (old) TV hand-me-down set up in my sewing room. Does it get any better than this? So what am I doing?

Cathedral windows. You heard me. When I was about 17 I saw my first cathedral windows quilt and it just knocked me over. I have never forgotten it. I have always wanted to make one, but was completely overwhelmed at the amount of time, effort and hand sewing involved. Fast forward a few decades and I have found some nifty tutorials on the blog sites. I now love hand sewing and I feel ready to take the plunge. So far I have only committed to a small set, so it might end up as a pillow. ( Or a pin cushion, if I don't even make it that far. ) I think I'll pop a Monty Python movie in the VCR and let the chanting monks inspire my cathedral windows.
For those of you who want to play along at home, the tutorial is from the blog Making Ends Meet. It is clear, easy to follow, and inspired me to take the plunge: Cathedral Windows Tutorial
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