True confessions: I grew up in a family of eight. I was the ONLY ONE who did not wear glasses. Hah! I made a point of throwing it in their faces - HAH HAH HAH. Then, when I hit about 45, I noticed it was getting hard to read the newspaper. (Small fonts, sure. Yeah.) I made do with a fist full of cheap-o reader glasses from the Dollar Store. Then, about 3 years ago, I graduated to prescription lenses.
Progressive lenses, no less. Welcome to middle age, next stop .....MENOPAUSE. I am still angry about having to wear glasses, but my intervention is not about

I love me a gadget. Kitchen gadgets, cleaning gadgets, they are all good. Where I go off the deep end is with.....quilting gadgets. I have not met a quilting gadget I didn't like. Granted, I like some more than others (the Clover needle threader gets taken out of a burning house before my husband) but I'm knocking on the door of needing an intervention. Today's gadget purchase was a beautifully clear, square acrylic template. Mind you - I already have one the same size - but this one is different. This one is
special. This one is just for my EYES.
My previously most-used template was about a 6 inch acrylic square, with markings for inches, half inches, quarter inches and eighth inches. Seriously. ONE-EIGHTH of an inch. These marking were not little ticks, but the full line. Looking at that thing was like staring down an Escher print. Besides, I base my quilt blocks on the size of a --- and a half inch measurement, or maybe a --- and a quarter, but that is IT. The eighth-inch thing is just inhuman. It's just wrong. Anyway, old tempie is nicked, scratched, pitted and due for a replacement.
You can imagine my joy when I found one in the identical size, but with LARGER NUMBERS, and only 1/2 and 1/4 increments marked. I can read this so clearly I am beside myself. Having already made quilts that involved cutting up to a bazillion and eight half square triangles, I feel renewed and ready to go back to the cutting mat. I'm so inspired I think I'll design a new line of quilting gadgets for the discriminating, perimenopausal, myopic woman. Each will come packaged in a protective layer of chocolate. I like it. HAH.
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