Happy 4th of July ! This is a picture of our gift shop window all ready for tourist season. The little patriotic wall quilt that is hanging from the weathervane was made by my mom. She was a quilter who took her odds and ends and leftovers and made them in to little wall hangings, table runners, etc. and sold them in our store under the label
Major Stuff Quilts. She did pretty well with them, too! It was always nice to make a note beside whatever sold and catalog where it was going to find a new home. We had people from Ireland, England, Australia - all over the world purchase those little quilts and take them to their far-off homes. Mom
really got a kick of seeing her handiwork travel all over the planet. Bonus - she used the money to buy more fabric. Talk about a win-win.
The 4th of July is also special because it is the day I met my husband. The couple trying to get us together tried (and failed) about three times until we both managed to get to the same party at the same time. People find out we met on the 4th of July and ask, "So, was it fireworks between the two of you?" It's a tough question to answer. Basically, my reaction was, "Meh, he's ok." Joe's reaction was to purchase my engagement ring two months later and wait another 4 months to propose. This is one of those rare situations where I was wrong and he was right. This 4th marks the 23rd anniversary of our first meeting. Thankfully, 23 years later, there are still fireworks!
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