Okay I am not making this up. Today I checked the caller ID on the phone and it gave the name of the place where my Bernina is being repaired. The message light was blinking. I hit the button, expecting to hear my baby was back and ready to be brought home.....and...... FAIL. Evidently the repairman is going to go out on medical leave and so all repairs will be delayed for two more weeks. Rats. I feel
really bad for the repairman - I can't imagine what would necessitate 2 week medical leave and I will certainly say a few prayers for a speedy recovery. It's kind of a moot point - even if the Bernina was back, I wouldn't be in my sewing room in these temperatures. It's freakishly HOT, day after day.

So lets lighten the mood with a website that will make many, MANY quilters very happy. It's a wonderful site by
Incompetech Creative Industries. Check it out - it is fun to just play with and see what you can create. This site will generate grids, graph paper, hexagons, circles - you name it, you can make it. The finished product is a one click download of a PDF of your new file. I chose to make a 1 inch square grid on 11 x 17 paper so I could lay out my cherry blocks. I taped a few sheets together and have this WONDERFUL surface to lay out and align the cherries, play around with placement - it's GENIUS! And it's free!! You can change the line weights and colors, too.
You're welcome!
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