Tuesday, July 20, 2010

52 for 52 - Part V

Mercy, this is just rocketing toward a conclusion.  I have listed a lot of things and  looked at many events -  including things in my rear view mirror, things I'll never have to do again, and  things I enjoy in the present.  I think  the 5th decade of this list should be dedicated to ten things I have to look forward to:

  1. The complete, utter and final cessation of my monthly period.  This one is BIG, people. 

  2. The incredible technology that is being developed as we speak  and will be using before we know it. Check out the CNET podcasts if you don't believe me.  (It's like the Jetsons, man!)

  3. The quilts I have in progress - some of them gifts - and the joy of delivering them to their intended recipients.  I can't wait to see their faces!

  4. Watching my nieces and nephews start their families.  It's mind-boggling and joyful.

  5. Watching myself become a more accomplished and artistic quilter.

  6. Watching my husband's political interests. I'm sort of ok with him being on City Council, but if he ever runs for something of more substance there will be some serious negotiations that will have to  take place.  (Anything that would necessitate me shaving my legs and wearing makeup on a regular basis had better come with some pretty fabulous  payback.)

  7. Expanding my writing beyond the self-indulgent ramblings on a blog.

  8. The great books that I have yet to read - nothing like the real thing in your hands.

  9. Hey - why not!  Working on a few of these 52 Ideas!

  10. At the risk of sounding like Dr. Seuss, OH THE PLACES I'LL GO!  I have a long list of places I want to see and things I want to do when I get there.  I intend to travel as much as I possibly can - the world awaits!

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