Sunday, July 18, 2010

52 for 52 -- Part IV

In our last installment, I listed 10 things that were great about being 52 because they were all in my rear view mirror.  I'd like to list 10 things that I currently enjoy, did NOT have in my youth, and make turning 52 (in just a few days!) such a great deal.

  1. Microwave ovens.  Even though as a cooking tool they are pretty useless, they are good for making microwave popcorn, melting butter, warming dinner plates and serving dishes, and nuking up a quick plate of nachos. Numma.

  2. The internet. A world unto itself. 

  3. Podcasts - music, lectures, ITunesU, Lit2Go, comedy, books - you name it, you can download it and throw it on any MP3 player and listen to whatever you want whenever you want.

  4. Shopping online.  This is similar to #2, but the fact that I don't  have to leave the house to do what I consider a chore is a fantastic thing. (Aside from antiques and fabric I am not a shopper.)

  5. Rotary cutters & templates, quilting gadgets in general.  I would NEVER be a quilter without those magic tools.

  6. The Weather Channel.  Seriously.  I'm a weather whore, just like my Dad. I am fascinated with weather radar. Go figure.

  7. USB flash drives. One is not enough, two is too many, three is not enough.  I have my whole life on those things. Pictures, programs, projects  - you name it.  P-O-R-T-A-B-L-E.

  8. GPS in cars.  I don't have one, but many people I know do and they entertain me like an 8-year-old.  Bonus - they work (more often than not) and it's so much nicer than wrestling with a map with 35 folds....

  9. Climate controlled car seats. (In my family, we refer to it as "ass air." )  My husband has heated seats in his car and in the winter...... hoochie mama, it feels SO good.

  10. Remote controls and VCR/DVD technology.  AWESOME.  (My dad had my youngest sister trained to hop up and change the channels on TV.  He did it with hand signals.  Honest.)  I love being able to pop a movie in to the VCR/DVD at any time.  Ditto for home movies and instructional videos.  Rock and ROLL, bay-bay.


  1. Wow! finally caught up with your postings about being 52...way to go...every one is just perfect! I added you to my favorite blogs to visit - sure hope lots of other bloggers get the chance to read your lists of 52.

    Have a great week.

  2. Thank you - I'm flattered! It has been a great mental exercise - mental housecleaning and inventory is good for the soul!
